The owner of Orlando Shooting Sports said their inventory is dwindling when it comes to keeping up with the demand for firearms and ammunition.
“Most of our customers buying now say it’s because they have their stimulus money to spend, and people are getting their tax return as well,” said owner Kerrie Rogers.
Rogers said sales had doubled daily in the last week.
“A lot of people buying right now are repeat customers, but we do have many new gun owners, specifically concealed carry.”
About 5 million Americans purchased a firearm for the very first time in 2020, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearm industry trade association.
The owner of Lord of War Firearms in Oviedo is also seeing a surge in gun sales.
“75 to 80 percent of people buying a gun are first-time buyers. I’ve never seen anything like this,” said owner Justin Eplin.
Eplin said the last year of COVID-19, the civil unrest, the riots, the election and current presidency has led to increased sales.