Anthony Weiner: 'Quit isn't the way we roll in NYC'

Anthony Weiner has slipped to 4th place in the polls as more and more people are calling on him to quit the race for mayor of New York City.

But former Congressman Weiner has posted a one-minute video on his campaign website saying 'he's no quitter.'

Weiner quit his US House seat in June 2011 following the revelation that he'd been sending lewd photos to women on Twitter.

Transcript from Weiner's new video:

Sometimes people say to me, ya know this campaign is pretty rough you may want to quit. I know there are newspaper editors and other politicians that say boy I wish that guy Weiner would quit. You don't know New York, you certainly don't know me. Quit isn't the way we roll in NYC. We fight through tough things, we are a tough city.  There are people all over NYC with a pretty tough day ahead of them but they don't quit. But it's really not about the campaign, about the candidates and it's not about me. This is about helping New yorkers. They understand this is about them and this campaign has reminded me of that again and again. In all kinds of ways.  If someone wants to come out with something embarrassing about you in your private life you have to talk about that for awhile. but it's also reminded me, citizens when they come up to ya, and they want to talk to you about a situation on their block or their child's school or something going on at their jobsite. That's what this campaign is all about and I'll never forget that.