We have obtained a series of emails in which the Lake Mary (FL) Chief of Police agrees that George Zimmerman is a 'ticking time bomb' and another 'Sandy Hook waiting to happen.'
Chief Steve Bracknell replies to an email from Lake Mary resident Santiago Rodriguez, who threatened the chief with demanding a Department of Justice investigation if the Lake Mary Police Department didn't file charges against George Zimmerman for domestic violence against his estranged wife Shellie.
As part of the email exchange, Santiago writes that Zimmerman "is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen..."
In his 17-point reply, Chief Bracknell writes "Your reference to Sandy Hook................ I agree."
The emails were published on the website, thinkprogress.org.
When contacted by the site for comment on his initial agreeance, Chief Bracknell distanced himself saying he was "referring to the fact that [Zimmerman] seems to be involved in incidents" involving firearms.