The Apopka Poilce Department is conducting an internal investigation because of a video posted earlier this month to Facebook.
The video appears to depict an Apopka police officer questioning two men outside of a closed business. In the video, the officer calmly asked the two men to provide identification and explain what they're doing outside of the business.
The two men accuse the officer of harassment. Within minutes, a supervisor arrives and orders both men to the ground. Seconds later, the video ends.
Since it was posted on September 3, the video has been viewed close to 50,000 times.
Apopka P.D. issued a written statement Monday in response to the video, saying that Chief Mike McKinley ordered an internal investigation to determine if the officer acted inappropriately.
The statement goes on to say that the department has been investigating a recent rash of cell phone store burglaries.
The two men in the video were reportedly loitering in front of a Cricket Wireless store after hours.
Mobile device users can watch the video here.
Apopka, FL: Some Police Officers Still Haven't Learned. The Situation Wasn't Even That Serious: Police Officer Categorized One Male As Being Black Who's Not Even Black
Posted by Dex Jones on Wednesday, September 2, 2015