Governor DeSantis highlights the work of the CFTOD while speaking in Lake Buena Vista

Governor DeSantis holds a press conference in Lake Buena Vista Thursday morning.

Lake Buena Vista, FL — Governor DeSantis held a press conference in Lake Buena Vista Thursday morning.

DeSantis spoke from the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Administration Building, highlighting the districts work over the last year.

Governor DeSantis said, “I worked with the Florida Legislature to bring accountability to a corporate-run government that sacrificed the people’s interests to the interests of a single corporation.”

“The District’s recent audit report justified our shared concerns: Disney was acting as a law unto itself. Since our reforms, the new district has taken bold action to increase transparency, community engagement, and fiscal responsibility, and has saved taxpayers $18.4 million,” said DeSantis.

The Governor was joined by Secretary of Commerce, J. Alex Kelly.

See full press conference below:

This is a developing story, check back for updates.