Harvard staffer dubbed ‘Sidewalk Susie’ after racist encounter with mother and child

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — The head of a Harvard University-linked research center has been dubbed ‘Sidewalk Susie’ after a  video of her confronting a mother and child playing outside went viral.

Alyson Laliberte says she and her daughter (who is biracial) were playing on the sidewalk outside an apartment building when Susie', AKA Theresa Lund, came downstairs to complain because her kids were trying to nap at 3:30 in the afternoon.

“I’m sitting here because you’re preventing my children from sleeping. Would you like me to do that to your kids?” said Lund.

Laliberte responds: “Who is even watching your kids right  now? Are you? Cause you’re not, you’re here with  me and my kid.”

That’s when Lund implies that Laliberte is poor.

“Are you one of the affordable units? Or are you one of the Harvard units?”


Laliberte posted video the encounter to Facebook where it has racked up over 1 million views.

“It was totally discriminating and racist of her.. or maybe it was because my daughter is biracial who knows,” Laliberte captions the video. “I have no idea who this woman is and the fact that she thinks she has some kind of authority over me is crazy!”

Lund, who is the executive director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative,  has apologized and tells the Boston Globe that her behavior was out of line.

“I want to be accountable for my actions in a situation where I fell far short of my values and what I expect of myself. This clearly wasn’t my best moment, and I have work to do to more consistently be my best self.”

Lund's bio has been removed from the group's website. This incident comes after a string of bizarre, racist encounters caught on video like 'BBQ Becky', 'Coupon Carl', and 'Permit Patty.'