Today the city of Orlando is making changes following the Halloween shooting downtown

Pedestrians can no longer walk freely in the streets of Downtown

Its been two weeks since the shooting on Halloween night that left two dead and injured six in downtown Orlando. Now, the city is taking measures to ensure that victors are safe during nightlife hours.

READ: Police report reveals new details in downtown Orlando Halloween night mass shooting

The city of Orlando is reopening Orange Avenue for vehicle traffic in downtown, with hopes to take the party out of the streets.

Orange Ave has been closed off to drivers for decades, and pedestrians have been able to roam the streets freely during the evenings.

Amidst recent violence downtown, the city hopes these safety measures will keep visitors safe from mischief in the streets.

“People really aren’t committing those types of crimes of violence inside the businesses, no really have they ever. Its always been a street problem, and this is kind of like the last big step the city needed to take to break up that street party,” Says a downtown Orlando business owner. She says she feels optimistic about the change.

The city will use barricades to keep pedestrians on the sidewalks and slowly over time, open up each lane for vehicle traffic.

READ: State Attorney to charge teen accused of Halloween mass shooting in Orlando as adult