NSFW: Adidas introduces new sports bra collection by tweeting images of 25 women’s bare breasts

WARNING - This story contains images of women’s bare breasts - WARNING

Adidas is putting it all out there to introduce its new sports bra collection, tweeting a photo yesterday (February 9th) of a grid photo of 25 different pairs of bare breasts.

The caption read: “We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. Which is why our new sports bra range contains 43 styles, so everyone can find the right fit for them,” and included a link to the collection and the hashtag #SupportIsEverything.”

There was a mixed reaction, with some cheering the ad and others criticizing, with one person suggesting it was, quote, “just another shock ad designed only to generate revenue by using women’s bodies.”

Adidas defended the ad, tweeting, “It’s important to normalize the human body and help inspire future generations to feel confident and unashamed,” adding, “It’s perfectly natural to have breasts. We are happy to celebrate that and won’t be taking this down so we can keep doing so.”