SHOCK VIDEO: Handguns, champagne and $100 bills - child’s birthday party in Louisiana stuns Internet

Video quickly circulating around the Internet from TikTok purports to show a child’s birthday party in Louisiana that features guns, chilled champagne and hundred dollar bills.

A child that appears to be 2 to 3 years old is amongst the children waving what appears to be a real gun around for the camera.

Across the table are dozens of hundred-dollar bills and a bucket of champagne.

While there is little information about this incident, such as where it took place or when, we expect that more information about this party will be coming forward in short order.

Some of the replies to this video from Reddit forum:

  • This is absolutely appalling and sadly one day, there will be cries of “he was a good boy” as the neighborhood burns.
  • These kids are set up for failure and they dont even realize it yet. So sad
  • Some kids don’t deserve their parents.
  • No different than what Hamas does with their children
  • Those are toys right? No one with any sense would intentionally hand a legit firearm to a child those ages, right?

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