MORGAN, Utah — A litter of baby raccoons was found by a demolition crew that was tearing down an abandoned house in Morgan, Utah, earlier this week.
The Morgan County Fire Department said in a statement that on Wednesday a “big-hearted foreman” for a demolition crew contacted the fire station while working on Morgan Valley Drive needing assistance. The crew had knocked down a house in the area that was abandoned and found eight baby raccoons.
The babies did not seem to have a mother, according to The Associated Press.
Morgan County Animal Control assisted the firefighters with rescuing the baby raccoons and were able to bring them back to the fire station, the fire department said.
Fire crews took care of the raccoons until someone with a permit arrives to legally raise raccoons arrived, according to the fire department.
According to the AP, Utah requires permits for animals such as raccoons or coyotes to be housed instead of roaming free.
Officials say that all eight of the raccoons are “happily on their way to their forever homes.”