VIDEO: Illegal alien from Venezuela calls on other aliens to ‘invade’ homes of America citizens

A Venezuelan migrant active on TikTok, Leonal Moreno, has drawn attention for his controversial content, boasting about living off taxpayer funds in the United States and urging illegal border crossings.

With a substantial following of 500,000, Moreno’s videos often spark outrage.

He recently sparked controversy by ridiculing individuals who work for a living while proudly admitting to not working himself, thanks to taxpayer support.

Moreno’s content centers on his lifestyle and exploiting American resources to lead a comfortable life. In one viral video from February 21, he boldly stated, “I confess I dislike working; it gives me allergies. While you work, I do not.”

He further joked about frivolously spending tax dollars received.

In another video, Moreno rallied support for an illegal alien who had been arrested for shooting a tourist in Times Square, New York City, urging his followers to stand behind them.