On Monday, a tragic incident occurred in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar area where an unauthorized billboard, standing at 100 feet, toppled onto a gas station amid unexpected rainstorms and dust storms, resulting in the death of eight individuals and injuries to 65 others.
Simultaneously, the Wadala district witnessed the collapse of a metal parking structure still under construction, which fell onto a street due to strong winds, injuring three people and causing damage to several vehicles.
The inclement weather also impacted air travel, with Mumbai airport halting flights for one hour in the evening owing to reduced visibility, and local train services experiencing delays.
The airport authority reported that up to 15 flights were rerouted to alternate airports, and runway operations recommenced at 5:03 pm.
JUST IN: Billboard collapses onto gas station in Mumbai, killing at least 8 people and injuring dozens pic.twitter.com/OSZ1g8NT2i
— BNO News (@BNONews) May 13, 2024
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